A Tragic Reminder: School Safety is a Priority!

A Tragic Reminder: School Safety is a Priority!

The recent shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, has left our community reeling. This tragedy, which occurred just a few miles from our home, has hit close to home, especially for those who have children attending nearby schools.

 As parents, we send our children to school with the expectation that they will be safe. The thought of them facing danger in a place that should be a sanctuary is both terrifying and heartbreaking. The fact that this incident happened so close to Caleb's school has only heightened our fears.

We cannot help but feel helpless and scared. The question of how to protect our children from such violence is a heavy burden to bear. We are all searching for answers, hoping for a solution that will ensure the safety of our children and the entire community.

It is time for us to demand change. We must advocate for stricter gun laws, improved mental health resources, and increased funding for school security measures. Our children deserve to attend school without fear. They deserve a future free from the threat of violence.

This is one of the reasons I was advocating for Caleb's boosterthon. By supporting Caleb's fundraising efforts, you're not only helping him achieve his personal goals and their fine arts department but also contributing to a safer learning environment for all students at Jenkins. Your donation will directly support school safety improvements, such as enhanced security measures, mental health resources, and crisis response training. Together, we can create a more secure and supportive community for our children to learn and grow.


#momlife #jenkinselementary #schoolshootings #Boosterthon #appallacheehighschool #windershooting  #schoolsafetymatters 

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